At Northwest Redworms, our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and materials necessary for your composting success. Our site is full of useful information, written to guide the beginner and to boost the old composting pro.
Composts on sale till the end of summer: sifted redworm castings was $180 per yard, now $125 per yard and sifted garden compost w/castings was $90 per yard, now only $75 per yard.
Our EZ BSF Larva Lab is in stock and is on sale for $115.
Redworm stock is currently low and on hold until further notice.
New item “Black soldier fly breeding tent”
We also have:
Black soldier fly larvae all sizes and quantities to pickup go here, to have them shipped go here.
Feeder insects available for pickup: Dubia roaches, Mealworms, Superworms, waxworms, hornworms and crickets. See the pickup page for more info and prices.
We have luxury handmade soaps made from pig lard and cow tallow produced on this farm.
Chicken eggs $6 dozen, duck eggs $7 dozen, pickup only, text for appt. Contact here
Worm castings, leaf mulch, insect fras and other composts available here.
The redworm cedar compost bin “build it yourself” digital download instructions available here:
Northwest Redworms in the news: The website "Future Human" sent out a journalist to look at our black soldier fly operation. This is the article that was written: Waste-Guzzling Flies